Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Rick Balances Respect for Life with Respect for Abortion Rights

A commenter here (a first) mistakenly refers to Rick as "abortion loving" and cites to a New York Times editorial entitled "Why Pro-Choice Is a Bad Choice for Democrats" and some random polling to suggest that 60% of Texans favor abortion restrictions and only 37% of Texans are entirely in favor of abortion rights.

This is so badly mistaken that I have to respond.

Back in 2003, the Texas Legislature passed Senate Bill 319, which redefined what a person is under Texas criminal and civil law so that crimes against an unborn child count as crimes against a child who has already been born. Under SB 319, an unborn child counts legally as a person from the moment of conception.

Representative Jessica Farrar (a liberal Democrat from Houston) offered a pro-choice amendment to change SB 319 so that an unborn child gained status as a person only when the baby became viable apart from the mother instead of from the moment of conception.

On May 26, 2003, Rick Noriega voted against the Farrar amendment to SB 319.

In light of this vote, no one can possibly say that Rick is “abortion loving.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Noriega is a two-faced phony on abortion. When it serves his political purpose to vote pro-life, he does. When it serves Noriega's political purpose to flip-flop and vote anti-life, he does.